Hi... so glad you could join me . This month at
Cookin' Up Creations I shared What's New Wednesday during our month of celebrating famous women in our world. So I'd like to also share here today ..... it's a great tool and a great tutorial on how to use it.
In Celebration of famous ladies I choose A Canadian Astronaut.. Roberta Lynn Bondar

Astronauts and round planets.. this is my connections now to CIRCLES.
We scrappers all have circle cutters, plates and many other things we have tried. I know I had before I found out about Kreaxions Circle Cutter.

Doesn't look like too much? It's small, light, plastic.. BUT... it cuts up to a 10" circle and it cuts on any mat even if only a small piece about 4x6". It's amazing and so easy to carry around even to crops where those plates etc where so cumbersome.
This is a tool every scrappers should have.
Here is the basic instruction sheet.

Here is my basic layout using the Kreaxions Circle Cutter for smaller sizes.

Here is my basic layout using the huge circle size....which I then punched from the inside.

This large one I punched the inside also .. BUT also cut the circle photos.

NOW how about this... using the same fabulous tool ... I cut my own scallop.
Here is the quick easy method.

Here is my layouts using the scallop method.

So as you can see it's a very versitile small, compact, amazing and fabulous tool called the
Kreaxions Circle Cutter and you can find more info at the
Just Imagine Crafts site and purchase it there also if you love what you see here.
I use it ALL the time... as you can see.